INECO stands for Intranet & Network Consultancy, an IT consultancy firm, established in 1996.
We specialize in HCL Notes / Domino (formerly IBM Notes / Domino and Lotus Notes / Domino) and C#.
In addition, we also have a lot of experience with related products and other programming languages such as VB, PHP, CSS, HTML, Java, Javascript, and Python.
If it has something to do with HCL Notes / Domino, then we can help you!
Our objective is to deliver good quality work for a reasonable amount, without frills and fuss.
The general terms and conditions of INECO can be found here:
General terms and conditions INECO (version 2016/07/29).
For more information about the expertise, clients and activities you can view the following personal data:
Curriculum vitae Marcel Rothuizen - HCL Notes / Domino Consultant (version 2025/02/08).
Why the name INECO?
The name INECO originated in 1995 when the term "Intranet" was popular.
Because many activities at that time consisted of setting up intranets, internet and networks at companies, we decided to use INECO as a company name, a combination of the first letters of the words Intranet, Network and Consultancy:
INECO Intranet & Network Consultancy.
The INECO brand name and the INECO logo are registered with the Benelux Office for Intellectual Property (BOIP).