Notes 9.0.1 Fix Pack 7 Interim Fix 1 (29 november 2016)

Notes 9.0.1 Fix Pack 7 Interim Fix 1 is uitgebracht op 29 november 2016.
Deze interim fix is te downloaden op de volgende pagina van IBM:

De interim fix voor de Notes Client lost twee zaken op waarvan zeker de eerste bij een aantal van onze klanten problemen veroorzaakte:

Duplicate attachment icons when using Lotusscript embedobject to attach files to a NotesRichTextItem


Notes user ID file upload to vault failed if port_enc_adv parameter is enabled

De omschrijving ‘Duplicate attachment icons’ is wat voorzichtig, de bijlage bleek in veel gevallen ook daadwerkelijk twee keer aanwezig.
Dit kon veroorzaakt worden door gebruik van Lotusscript, maar ook de mail/sendto API had er last van.



Zie ook Fixpack 7 voor Domino/Notes 9.0.1 is uit.


Fixpack 7 voor Domino/Notes 9.0.1 is uit

Let op!
Na de installatie van FP7 op de Notes client kan het voorkomen dat bijlagen verstuurd vanuit de Windows Explorer (rechtermuis menu> Send to > mail recipient) zowel in de body als boven in de header van de mail komen.
Een tijdelijke oplossing is om bijlagen toe te voegen vanuit de mail met de bijlage toevoegen knop.

Fixpack 7 voor Domino en Notes 9.0.1 is beschikbaar op de IBM support sites:



IBM Notes/Domino 9.0.1 Fix Pack 7 Release Notice
September 13, 2016

9.0.1 Fix Pack 7 is a collection of new features and low-risk, high-impact fixes to help customers safely avoid known issues. IBM strongly recommends that customers running Notes/Domino 9.0.1x upgrade to this latest Fix Pack since it adds new features and addresses a small percentage of defects that impact the broadest set of customers. Fix Packs are released periodically to provide a greater level of stability for customer environments. They go through the same level of fix, regression and interoperability testing that occurs with Maintenance Releases. Fix Packs are always cumulative and contain all of the fixes from previous ones. All Fix Packs are language independent and may be applied on any language version of Notes/Domino 9.0.1x.

Notes/Domino 9.0.1 Fix Pack 7 addresses defects in the Client, Server, Notes Browser Plug-in and Domino OpenSocial component.

9.0.1 Fix Pack 7 includes all of the content and supersedes the following deliverables:

Domino: 9.0.1 FP6 IF1, IF2, IF3

Important Notes

9.0.1 Fix Pack 7 updates the embedded Notes/Domino JVM to 1.6 SR16 FP30 to address security vulnerabilities.
9.0.1 Fix Pack 7 adds support for Citrix XenApp 7.7.
9.0.1 Fix Pack 7 adds the new features listed in technote 1990268 – New features and enhancements in Notes and Domino Fix Pack 7

Known Issues

If running IBM Traveler or IBM mail support for Microsoft Outlook on Linux 64-bit, you should upgrade those products to the latest releases available prior to upgrading to Domino 9.0.1 FP7. See technote 1990034 for details.

SPR XXLI9RNB7U – Windows Domino Server: JVM version is reverted to 9.0.1 gold’s version when un-installing/downgrading from a 9.0.1 Fix Pack to a prior Fix Pack. This will not impact most customers, as downgrading to a prior fix pack is not a common operation. This issue also does not affect future fix pack upgrades. DETAILS: On Windows, the Domino server installer gives you an option to downgrade to either a prior Fix Pack level or to the gold release. If customers want to downgrade to an earlier Fix Pack level, it is recommended that you un-install the Fix Pack, which will leave the server at 9.0.1 gold, then proceed with the Fix Pack install of your choice. This will ensure the correct JVM level is installed. This issue is documented in technote 1980538.

Download Options

For download options see technote 4037141 – “Download Options for Notes & Domino 9.0.1 Fix Packs”. Note: Fix Packs will not be distributed on physical media (DVD/CD). Active Subscription & Support is required to download Notes/Domino from Fix Central (see technote 1990043).

If you have Notes 9.0.1 Basic Configuration or Notes/Admin/Designer (Basic edition) 9.0.1 installed, use the Notes 9.0.1 FP7 Basic install.
If you have Notes 9.0.1 Standard Configuration or Notes/Admin/Designer (Standard edition) 9.0.1 installed, use the Notes 9.0.1 FP7 Standard install.

Note: IBM Notes Mac 9.0.1 32-bit is superseded by Mac 9.0.1 64-bit. Customers looking for a Notes Mac 32-bit client fix pack are encouraged instead to download and install Notes 9.0.1 Mac 64-bit. Passport Advantage part numbers can be found in this document: Supportability Q&A about IBM Notes and OS X 10.11.x

Decision to upgrade
Customers unable to upgrade to later Releases should install Fix Packs to benefit from later fixes made to the product. By providing a small number of fixes, customers are able to accept fewer code changes with lower risk, allowing them to “patch” an older Maintenance Release until a more extensive upgrade to the current Release is possible.

While Fix Packs provide important fixes and IBM strongly recommends applying the latest Fix Pack available for a Maintenance Release, IBM still recommends that customers upgrade to the latest Release + Fix Pack combination to receive the broadest set of fixes available. You will receive more overall fixes with a later Release + Fix Pack than with a set of Fix Packs on top of an earlier Maintenance Release. For more information, see technote #1368141-“Differences between Notes/Domino Maintenance Releases, Fix Packs and Upgrade Packs.”

Fixes contained in this Fix Pack
A plus symbol (+) before the SPR number indicates a fix for a regression bug. A regression bug is an issue that was introduced in a Maintenance Release but did not exist in previous releases of that code stream. For example, a bug that appears in 9.0.1 but did not exist in 9.0.0 is a regression.
If an APAR exists for the corresponding SPR, the APAR number will appear in parentheses next to the SPR number. For example, SPR #nnnnnnnnnn (LO12345).

What follows is a subset of the most important issues addressed in this fix pack. For the full list of fixes, visit the fixes by release view for the description of each fix in this Fix Pack, including platform specific information.

9.0.1 Fix Pack 7 Fix List descriptions:


GTONAABGV7 (LO89121) – Client: Fixed a Client crash issue when setting up IMAP
SFIK86WR26 (LO52999) – Fixed an issue where launched programs do not get focus (technote 1593140)
SSSS9GACRK (LO80115) – Allow “Advanced Menus” option to be controlled via Policy (technote 1990186)
+RGAU9XUMQP (LO85491) – Fixed an issue that would cause corrupted attachments when using the Notes API to export data. This was reproducible with the Archiving-API sample code from the API Toolkit. This was a regression in 9.0.1
TMDS8U5R2K (LO69308) – Fixed a Notes Client delay issue when performing a copy/paste from IE using a proxy server
RREN9DEFWW (LO77885) – Enable location roaming for roaming users


FABN9WMMW9 (LO85019) – Addressed a potential Domino server hang condition caused by a deadlock between compact and update tasks. (technote 1979912)
FABNA3BQDM (LO86717) – Fixed a potential Domino server crash when DBMT is processing soft deletions.
JSSI7PD47Q (LO37811) – Fixed intermittent crash caused by 3rd party doing Ole to LSXBE
HSPR9UN6V7 (LO84214) – Fixed a potential Domino Server crash due to a null string passed in to OSGetEnv. This issue commonly would occur if there was no carriage return at the end of Notes.ini file.
PALT9ZLMA6 (LO86150) – Fixed DXL Export crash occurring on certain documents with bad data,
KBRN9Q7EZW (LO81185) – Fixed a Domino Linux 64-bit server crash or instability caused by duplicate thread ids. This is described in technote 1976013 and previously required a special Domino Linux 64-bit build to be provided. Now applying this Fix Pack on Domino 9.0.1 will address the issue. Customers who previously received the special Domino Linux 64-bit build should uninstall it, re-install 9.0.1 Gold, followed by 9.0.1 FP7 or higher.


RDSRAAWQ6U (LO89339) – Updated the time zone table for Libya, Chile and Georgia (Tbilisi)
NNAI9FV6KW (LO78889) – Fixed an issue where we now keep the recipient name in the internet style when replying to a message. (technote 1979965)
MLEY9R9HWC (LO82956) – Fixed error when using Google Calendar in iNotes
KMOAA6LDVX (LO88282) – Fixes iNotes mail or calendar create failure when using Firefox 44/45. (technote 1978919)
THIOA56QXD (LO87392) – Fix an issue where the phrase part will remain after closing the namepicker.
TOGA9Q3GG5 (LO82425) – Fix a message display issue in IE
+CSAO9XJAFD (LO85349) – Fixed the arrow icon of vertical scroll bar. This is a regression in 9.0.1.



Fixpack 6 voor Domino/Notes 9.0.1 is uit

Fixpack 6 (FP6) voor Domino en Notes 9.0.1 is uit.

Notes/Domino Fix List

IBM Notes/Domino 9.0.1 Fix pack 6 Release Notice

9.0.1 Fix pack 6 is a collection of low-risk, high-impact fixes to help customers safely avoid known issues. IBM strongly recommends that customers running Notes/Domino 9.0.1x upgrade to this latest Fix Pack since it addresses a small percentage of defects that impact the broadest set of customers. Fix Packs are released periodically between Maintenance Releases to provide a greater level of stability for customer environments. They go through the same level of fix, regression and interoperability testing that occurs with Maintenance Releases. Fix Packs are always cumulative and contain all of the fixes from previous ones. All Fix Packs are language independent and may be applied on any language version of Notes/Domino 9.0.1x.

Notes/Domino 9.0.1 Fix pack 6 addresses defects in the Client, Server, Notes Browser Plug-in and Domino OpenSocial component.

9.0.1 Fix pack 6 includes all of the content and supersedes the following deliverables:

  • Notes: 9.0.1 FP5 IF1, IF2, IF3
  • Domino: 9.0.1 FP5 IF1, IF2
  • JVM Patch: 1.6 SR16FP15

Important Notes

9.0.1 Fix Pack 6 updates the embedded Notes/Domino JVM to 1.6 SR16 FP20 to address security vulnerabilities.
9.0.1 Fix Pack 6 adds support for IBM i 7.3. For more information, see

Known Issue

SPR XXLI9RNB7U – Windows Domino Server: JVM version is reverted to 9.0.1 gold’s version when un-installing/downgrading from 9.0.1 Fix Pack 4 to a prior Fix Pack. This will not impact most customers, as downgrading to a prior fix pack is not a common operation. This issue also does not affect future fix pack upgrades. DETAILS: On Windows, the Domino server installer gives you an option to downgrade to either a prior Fix Pack level or to the gold release. If customers want to downgrade to an earlier Fix Pack level, it is recommended that you un-install the Fix Pack, which will leave the server at 9.0.1 Gold, then proceed with the Fix Pack install of your choice. This will ensure the correct JVM level is installed.

Download Options
For download options see technote 4037141 – “Download Options for Notes & Domino 9.0.1 Fix Packs”. Note: Fix Packs will not be distributed on physical media (DVD/CD).

If you have Notes 9.0.1 Basic Configuration or Notes/Admin/Designer (Basic edition) 9.0.1 installed, use the Notes 9.0.1 Fix pack 6 Basic install.
If you have Notes 9.0.1 Standard Configuration or Notes/Admin/Designer (Standard edition) 9.0.1 installed, use the Notes 9.0.1 Fix pack 6 Standard install.
If you have Notes Mac Client – IBM Notes Mac 9.0.1 32-bit is superseded by Mac 9.0.1 64-bit. Customers looking for a Notes Mac fixpack 32-bit client are encouraged instead to download and install Notes 9.0.1 Mac 64-bit. Download links can be found in this document: Supportability Q&A about IBM Notes and OS X 10.11.x

Decision to upgrade
Customers unable to upgrade to later Releases should install Fix Packs to benefit from later fixes made to the product. By providing a small number of fixes, customers are able to accept fewer code changes with lower risk, allowing them to “patch” an older Maintenance Release until a more extensive upgrade to the current Release is possible.

While Fix Packs provide important fixes and IBM strongly recommends applying the latest Fix Pack available for a Maintenance Release, IBM still recommends that customers upgrade to the latest Release + Fix Pack combination to receive the broadest set of fixes available. You will receive more overall fixes with a later Release + Fix Pack than with a set of Fix Packs on top of an earlier Maintenance Release. For more information, see technote #1368141-“Differences between Notes/Domino Maintenance Releases, Fix Packs and Upgrade Packs.”

Fixes contained in this Fix Pack
A plus symbol (+) before the SPR number indicates a fix for a regression bug. A regression bug is an issue that was introduced in a Maintenance Release but did not exist in previous releases of that code stream. For example, a bug that appears in 9.0.1 but did not exist in 9.0.0 is a regression.
If an APAR exists for the corresponding SPR, the APAR number will appear in parentheses next to the SPR number. For example, SPR #nnnnnnnnnn (LO12345).

What follows is a subset of the most important issues addressed in this fix pack. For the full list of fixes, visit the fixes by release view for the description of each fix in this Fix Pack, including platform specific information.

9.0.1 Fix pack 6 Fix List descriptions:


  • DSCK9TUNDR (LO87200) – Fixes Notes Windows Client issue: No more handles java/lang/OutOfMemoryError when in High Resolution mode. This is a regression in FP4. (technote 1977626)
  • JFCG9J3USJ (LO79962) – Fixes a potential Notes crash on very specific email addresses when a delivery failure notice is resent.
  • MBLTA4SEFK (LO79586) – Installing 9.0.1 FP5 Notes Windows Standard Client on top of another 9.0.1 FP/ or 9.0.1 FP4IF2, fails. This is a regression in 9.0.1 FP5. (technote 1972353)
  • RHOE9LUCJ7 (LO81184) – Fixes issue where the wait cursor can continually displayed after Notes is started.
  • WHAM7ESERK (LO29769) – Fixes issue where temporary attachment files from the system temp directory were not deleted when Notes was closed/restarted. Additionally, an optional new Notes INI variable to delete files from the Notes temporary attachments directory upon Notes close/restart: AttachmentsDirectoryDelete=1 has been provided. This is off by default. (technote 1100416)
  • YSAI9HDEFK (LO87259) – Fixes issue that prevented the Notes Client printing to a Xerox printer. (technote 1903022)
  • GMAA9BGEGS (LO77014) – Fixes Windows Notes Client installation failure with error: “XPD: 09.09.2013 12:40:26 CActionsCommon/GetProperty: DEBUG – Retrieved property: RCP_INVALID_EXTERNAL_JVM_ERROR, Value: External VM is not valid – it must be a 1.5 or 1.6 Sun or IBM VM.”. This only occurs on machines that have had JVM 1.5 & 1.6 removed from the OS.
  • JKEY9ZKJYR (LO86136) – Creating a new calendar entry on Windows 10 Norwegian locale leads to blank start date/end date.


  • WBJT9YVM48 (LO85846) – Fixes MIME messages with character encoding CP936 (Simplified Chinese) displaying as garbage on the Notes Client. (technote 1977628)
  • HYYH9DF5GR (LO77900) – Fixes situation where emails in trash are not removed even if “Permanently delete documents after X hours” is set. This fix introduced a new Notes.ini CHECK_EXPIRED_SOFT_DELETES_ON_DBOPEN=1. This is off be default.
  • PACY9CGLQ3 (LO77454) – If the Client ID files has a newer name and the ID vault has the older name, after a sync, the Client ID file is reverted to use the older name and the user loses access.
  • MKIN9WMUYH (LO85291) – This fix allows a user to add a custom response header in the web server by setting notes.ini: HTTPAdditionalRespHeader=; Example: HTTPAdditionalRespHeader=Cache-control: no-cache. (technote 1962324)
  • MKIN9WHT2N (LO84986) – Fixed an issue where an uncaught throw in URLstream::WriteChar crashes the web server.
  • DADS9Q3JW5 (LO82428) – Fixes Domino Server crash while converting MIME messages on HTTable::GetTableTextSize.
  • KHRL9AKSPM (LO76633) – Fixes Domino Server crash when the Dir$ function is used against a drive that is not mapped. This is a regression in 9.0.
  • MKINA3SPYN (LO86887) – Fixes an intermittent Domino Server crash in crypto code when VerifyMAC() is passed a bogus length.
  • SHJR9HDJC7 (LO79624) – Fixes and intermittent Domino Server crash when decrypting SMIME due to an access violation in memory below SM_WriteToAsnBuf.


  • KMOAA6LDVX (LO88282)- Fixes iNotes mail or calendar create failure when using Firefox 44/45. (technote 1978919)
  • MLEY9LKEFQ (LO81065) – iNotes ‘More’ menu items are blanked in Internet Explorer with ActiveX attachment. This is a regression introduced in 9.0.1.
  • YGAO9VNL8U (LO84666) – Notes Web: Fixed an issue where some right-click menus displayed slowly using IE.

IBM heeft toch een Interim Fix uitgebracht tegen POODLE attack

In eerdere berichten gaf IBM aan voorlopig geen oplossing te hebben voor de Domino HTTP server en de Poodle aanvallen.
Nu zijn er sinds 5 november toch Interim Fixes uitgebracht voor Domino 8.5.1 FP5, 8.5.2 FP4, 8.5.3 FP6, 9.0 en 9.0.1FP2.

Hoe wordt IBM Domino beïnvloed door de POODLE aanval ?

SSLv3 bevat een kwetsbaarheid die is aangeduid als de Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption (POODLE) aanval. Dit is een zogeheten man-in-the-middle-attack die webbrowsers kwetsbaar maken.
Browsers verbinden via SSLv3 naar Domino servers over HTTP en kunnen zo worden blootgesteld aan de POODLE aanval.
Een oplossing zou zijn om SSLv3 in de browser uit te schakelen.
Als dit echter in de browsers uitgeschakeld wordt zal er geen verbinding meer mogelijk zijn met de Domino servers omdat tot nu toe SSLv3 het enige beveiligingsprotocol is dat Domino servers ondersteunen.

IBM heeft nu dus de Interim Fixes voor Domino, die TLS 1.0 implementeert met TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV om HTTP te beschermen tegen de POODLE aanval, vrijgegeven.
TLS 1.0 voor Domino is de bescherming tegen de POODLE aanval en maakt het mogelijk om browsers die ingesteld zijn om geen SSLv3 te gebruiken toch met Domino te verbinden.

Meer informatie vind je op

Nice – voor wanneer een her-installatie van Notes op Windows even niet wil lukken…

Een klant had een probleem waarbij Notes 9.01 op een Windows 2012 (RES) Server niet meer geïnstalleerd kon worden. De installatie stopte op het moment dat daadwerkelijk installatie zou starten met een melding dat de “Installation interrupted” was.

De gebruikelijke stappen van het opschonen van het register en het verwijderen van mappen, stoppen van services en herstarten van de server e.d. hielpen niet.

Na wat zoekwerk zag ik in de Admin Help van versie 9 dat IBM gewoon een tooltje in de installatie map van Notes heeft staan om een vorige installatie netjes op te ruimen:

U kunt het programma Install Cleanup Executable (NICE) gebruiken om na een mislukte installatie of upgrade de computer op te schonen.
U kunt ook
gebruik maken van de tool om een ​​bestaande versie van Notes te verwijderen en overbodige bestanden op te ruimen, vóór het uitvoeren van een nieuwe installatie of upgrade.
De tool is beschikbaar voor Lotus Notes 6.x en hoger.
nstallaties op ondersteunde Windows-platforms en moet worden uitgevoerd door een beheerder.

In ons geval werkte de installatie direct na het uitvoeren van NICE!

Domino en Notes 9.0.1 Fix Pack 2 is uit

IBM Notes/Domino 9.0.1 Fix Pack 2 Release Notice
August 20, 2014

9.0.1 Fix Pack 2 is a collectionof low-risk, high-impact fixes to help customers safely avoid known issues. IBM strongly recommends that customers running Notes/Domino 9.0.1 upgrade to this latest Fix Pack since it addresses a small percentage of defects that impact the broadest set of customers. Fix Packs are released periodically between Maintenance Releases to provide a greater level of stability for customer environments. They go through the same level of fix, regression and interoperability testing that occurs with Maintenance Releases. Fix Packs are always cumulative and contain all of the fixes from previous ones.

9.0.1 Fix Pack 2 addresses defects in both the Client, Server, Notes Browser Plug-in and Domino SE OpenSocial component. 9.0.1 FP2 also updates the embedded JVM to 1.6 SR16 to address security vulnerabilitities.

9.0.1 FP2 adds support for the following:

  • Citrix XenApp 7.5 for Client
  • Internet Explorer 11 for xPages
  • RHEL7 for Server

Official support for Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite will be announced after it ships in the Fall. 9.0.1 FP2 includes compatibility fixes for support of Mac OS X 10.10,

All Fix Packs arelanguage independent and may be applied on any language version of Notes/Domino 9.0.1.

Download Options
For download options see technote 4037141 –Download Options for Notes & Domino 9.0.1 Fix Packs“. Note: Fix Packs will not be distributed on physical media (DVD/CD).
• If you have Notes 9.0.1 Basic Configuration or Notes/Admin/Designer (Basic edition) 9.0.1 installed, use the Notes 9.0.1 Fix Pack 2 Basic install.
• If you have Notes 9.0.1 Standard Configuration or Notes/Admin/Designer (Standard edition) 9.0.1 installed, use the Notes 9.0.1 Fix Pack 2 Standard install.

Decision to upgrade
Customers unable to upgrade to later Releases should install Fix Packs to benefit from later fixes made to the product. By providing a small number of fixes, customers are able to accept fewer code changes with lower risk, allowing them to “patch” an older Maintenance Release until a more extensive upgrade to the current Release is possible.

While Fix Packs provide important fixes and IBM strongly recommends applying the latest Fix Pack available for a Maintenance Release, IBM still recommends that customers upgrade to the latest Release + Fix Pack combination to receive the broadest set of fixes available. You will receive more overall fixes with a later Release + Fix Pack than with a set of Fix Packs on top of an earlier Maintenance Release. For more information, see technote #1368141-“Differences between Notes/Domino Maintenance Releases, Fix Packs and Upgrade Packs.”

Known Issues
Linux Notes client only: If upgrading the embedded version of Sametime to Sametime 9, customers should install 9.0.1, followed by the Sametime 9 Add-on embedded upgrade package, and finally 9.0.1 FP2. If 9.0.1 FP2 is installed before the ST 9 Add-on, Notes on Linux will hang on startup. This issue does not occur on Windows or Mac. See technote 1670512Notes clients on Linux will not launch if Sametime 9 add-on installer is applied after Notes 9.0.1 Fix Pack 2 is installed

Fixes contained in this Fix Pack
A plus symbol (+) before the SPR number indicates a fix for a regression bug. A regression bug is an issue that was introduced in a Maintenance Release but did not exist in previous releases of that code stream. For example, a bug that appears in 9.0.1 but did not exist in 9.0.0 is a regression.
If an APAR exists for the corresponding SPR, the APAR number will appear in parentheses next to the SPR number. For example, SPR #nnnnnnnnnn (LO12345).

What follows is a subset of the most important issues addressed in this fix pack. For the full list of fixes, please visit the fixes by release view forthe description of each fix in this Fix Pack, including platform specific information.

9.0.1 Fix Pack 2 Fix List descriptions:


  • RHAN8CUMJE (LO57510) – Added a check to avoid a client crash when working or searching in the calendar.
  • AJAN9657JM (LO76981) – Fixes a navigation issue that would highlight a different inbox mail message switching between Notes and another application using ALT-Tab.
  • TMDS97JVZ9 (LO75247) – Fixes an intermittent “Cannot create window (Insufficient Memory)” error that would appear in a user mail file. (technote 1662284)
  • SSZG7H3HBH (LO51653) – Fixes an intermittent issue that prevented dragging big attachments from Notes to the operating system Desktop.
  • +KTOT9K3RXW (LO80392) – Fixes failure when upgrading from Notes 9.0.1 to 9.0.1FP1 with the following error message in the Install log: “ReplaceJvmUpdateFiles: ERROR: Failed to rename directory C:\Program Files (x86) \Lotus\Notes\jvm to C:\Program Files (x86)\Lotus\Notes\jvm_old: 32.” This issue would only occur when not installing under the Admin account. This is a regression in 9.0.1 FP1. (technote 1674482)
  • JKAE8YQDEW (71932LO) – Fixes issue where a message entry gets created in the trash folder whenever an eml file that was saved from the Notes Client, is closed.
  • +TITH9BQDZF (LO77124) – Fixes issue where the “Name” field of the print dialog is blank if the default printer driver has DBCS name. This is a regression in 9.0. (technote 1668977)


  • +MJON9GQHLL (LO79283) – Fixes potential performance degradation in LDAP search when there are many nested groups. This was a regression introduced by the fix for SPR# CAHT959LQG (Fixes issue where complex LDAP search filter returns no results). This fix introduces the new ini: LDAP_COMPLEX_FILTER. When this ini is set to 1, the code path for the fix for SPR# CAHT959LQG is enabled and the performance degradation could result. Setting this ini to 0, disables the code path and no performance degradation will be seen. This is a regression in 8.5.3 FP6. (technote 1668995)
  • +HOKA8RZ5KL (LO67745) – Fixes issue in Xpages where the correct date (or time) won’t show on date time picker. This is a regression in 8.5.3.
  • YGAO95HFP9 (LO74249) – Fixes password reset failure when the required password quality for a user has been changed in the security policy but not yet updated in the ID file. With the fix, the password quality in the ID file is checked and updated if necessary during a password reset.
  • MBAS9G8LCP (LO79045) – Fixes Server crash due to TNEF conversion with Error Message: “PANIC: Invalid pool free chain”. (technote 1673919)
  • +MNGA9FSRGV (LO78819) – Fixes Server crash on IMAP with the error message: “PANIC: OSVBlockAddr: Bad VBlock handle (0\0)”. (technote 1669690)
  • VPRS99UPQQ (LO76346) – Fixes intermittent Domino Server DAOSMgr crash during DAOS catalog resync when the file path exceeds 256 characters.
  • DANG8PCJH6 (LO65974) – Fixes issue where an auto-populated group will not include the alphabetically last people in the Domino directory if there are response docs to people documents in the Domino directory. (technote 1592316)
  • +RREN9GWKVX (LO79377) – Fixes issue where document locking doesn’t work if the group name is a substring of the name of the person doing the locking. This is a regression in 9.0.


  • EPOR9CBJ6G (LO77937) – Fixes issue when using iNotes Ultra-light mode on iOS7 where type-ahead inserts additional characters that will fail to resolve when sending the message.
  • +JCHS9ERSZE (LO78486) – Fixes intermittent Domino Server crash on http task due to iNotes stale cookies. This is a regression in 9.0. (technote 1673838)
  • PPET9J3H9X (LO79954) – Fixes Internet Explorer crash caused by interaction with dwabho.dll, used for Browser Cache Management.
  • +THIO8RWGGP (LO67661) – Fixes an issue replying to mails from iNotes and “Re:” is not appended to the subject. This is a regression in 8.5.3.
  • ASHH9EN5GS (LO78446) – Fixes an email problem where an attachment with a non-ASCII file name uploaded by “Save” action gets sent even though it was deleted from the mail. This problem only occurs when using Active X file upload control for Internet Explorer. (technote 1664163)

Lotus Notes/Domino or a Notes/Domino related process is still running…

Een van de redenen waarom een Domino Fixpack installatie op een Windows server niet goed werkt zijn services die de installatie blokkeren.

Dit kan antivirus software zijn, back-up software, monitoring software of zoals veel wordt gemeld op internet de Windows Management Instrumentation Service van Microsoft.

Wanneer de betreffende services zijn gestopt of de taken zijn gestopt met taakbeheer zou de installatie moeten werken.

Vanzelfsprekend dient men genoeg rechten te hebben op de machine en de installatie moet als beheerder worden gestart.

Zie ook: