IBM Notes/Domino 9.0.1 Feature Pack 10 is vanaf vandaag te downloaden via IBM Fix Central.

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IBM Notes®/Domino® 9.0.1 Feature Pack 10 Release Notice February 1, 2018
History: Beginning with 9.0.1 FP8, fix packs have been renamed to feature packs. To ensure quality, these feature packs still have a high focus on addressing high impacting defects. Where possible, these features are optionally enabled to minimize risk. The same packaging, architecture and install kits used in previous fix packs remain in use for feature packs.
IBM has identified important Notes®/Domino® SPR’s to be fixed in the latest Feature Pack release, 9.0.1 Feature Pack 10.
The Notes®/Domino® Fix List website on developerWorks will show you the status of this Feature Pack on the Upcoming Releases tab. This preliminary Release Notice will be updated to include a more descriptive explanation of the problem and fix, where applicable. Also, a link to the technote and regression information will be provided.
Notes®/Domino® 9.0.1 Feature Pack 10 addresses defects in the Client, Server, and the Domino OpenSocial component. All Feature Packs are language independent and may be applied on any language version of Notes®/Domino® 9.0.1.
Notes®/Domino® 9.0.1 Feature Pack 10 includes new features that benefit our customers. Some of these features have been in development for years and we are excited to make them available. Please refer to the “New Features” section below for more details.
9.0.1 Feature Pack 10 includes all of the content and supersedes the following deliverables:
- Notes: 9.0.1 FP9, 9.0.1 FP9IF1
- Domino: 9.0.1 FP9, 9.0.1 FP9IF1, 9.0.1 FP9IF2
- iNotes: 9.0.1 FP9, 9.0.1 FP9IF1
Decision to upgrade
Customers are urged to upgrade to the latest Release and Feature Packs (in this case, 901FP10) to benefit from later features and fixes made to the product. By providing a number of features and fixes, customers are able to accept fewer code changes with lower risk, allowing them to “patch” an older Maintenance Release.
Feature Packs provide important fixes and IBM strongly recommends applying the latest Feature Pack available for a Maintenance Release to receive the broadest set of fixes available.
Things to Note:
- The JVM was upgraded to Java 1.8 SR5 FP6 (with tzdata17c) (SPR #HYUEASEPJ4)
- For information on NBP (Notes Browser Plugin), Notes® Client on Linux, or Domino® Server on Linux32 and AIX32, please refer to the 9.0.1 FP8 release notice.
- Templates – There are no template updates for FP10; use templates from FP9
- Pre-Req for Traveler Server: If are upgrading the version of Domino to 9.0.1 FP10 on your Traveler server, for server compatibility use Traveler or higher.
Known Issues
- Important Co-Req for embedded Sametime – If you had previously upgraded embedded sametime in Notes prior to 9.0.1 FP10, you must install a new Sametime Add-on after upgrading to FP10. This is described in SPR CHZOAT55HZ. Please follow instruction in Technote #2012939 to download and address..
– SPR #CHZOAT55HZ – Sametime is broken after install FP10 on top of Notes901 FP9 + ST9.0.1 FP1
- SPR # SNIRATAD83 – Accessing Notes Client window’s Restore menu with keyboard shortcut ALT+SPACE shows distorted menu – Technote #2012673
- SPR # ARNAATYNLA – Sametime embedded Features details still shows The issue is not a bug and expected behavior – Technote #2012675
- SPR #SUNAAUQ8YY – All open tab are closed on upgrading to FP10. This is a limitation of the platform upgrade in FP10 – Technote #2012914
New Features in IBM Notes/Domino® 9.0.1 Social Edition Feature Pack 10
1) The JVM in Designer is Upgraded to use 1.8 at compile time
With this new upgrade, you can launch Designer client and leverage Java 1.8 compile time features in building applications. For full compatibility, apps compiled in FP10 should be deployed on Notes or Domino FP10 and higher. Java apps may run on Notes/Domino 9.0.1 FP8 and higher as that release upgrade to Java 1.8 runtime. However, Application best practice is to compile with the lowest common denominator to the client/server version deployed.
2) Eclipse Platform Upgraded to 4.6.2 – The 9.0.1 FP10 platform is upgraded from Eclipse 3.4.2 to Eclipse 4.6.2. This includes SWT, OSGi, Jface and other re-lated Eclipse plugins. Notes, Designer, Embedded Sametime, and Connections Plugins now leverage Eclipse 4.6.2. The Domino server uses the OSGi bundles from Eclipse 4.6.2 for servlet and XPages access.
3) Embedded Sametime Upgraded To 9.0.1 By Default
The default version of the Embedded Sametime in the Notes Client has been upgraded to the 9.0.1 (previously 8.5.2), See important Co-Req in Known Issues above described in Technote #2012939.
4) The GSKit libraries for are upgraded on all client/server platforms except IBM i to Version (which contains FIPS Certified ICC Version: for both client & server. GSKit is used for FIPs support, AES , 1024+ RSA, and Diffie-Hellman. IBM i will be evaluated for a future release.
5) Japanese User Interface Update Technote #2013102
An optional Japanese User Interface update includes fixes for high-impact localization defects. The ‘IBM Notes Client 9.0.1 FP10 Japanese User Interface Update’ requires 9.0.1 Japanese Client/Japanese MUI + FP10.
6) Add-on Installer for Notes CCM (Connections Content Manager)
An add-on installer for Notes CCM eliminates the need for special hotfixes but does require 9.0.1 FP10. This optional add-on allows a Notes client to show Libraries from CCM for use with email and calendar.
Note: The Notes CCM now supports the Dutch language in addition to previously supported languages For more details on CCM, see
7) Docker support for IBM Domino Technote #2013200
Fixes contained in this Feature Pack
What follows is a subset of high impacting bug fixes addressed in this feature pack. For the full list of fixes, visit the fixes by release view for the description of each fix in this Fix Pack, including platform specific information.
A plus symbol (+) before the SPR number indicates a fix for a regression bug. A regression bug is an issue that was introduced in a Maintenance Release but did not exist in previous releases of that code stream. For example, a bug that appears in 9.0.1 but did not exist in 9.0.0 is a regression.
If an APAR exists for the corresponding SPR, the APAR number will appear in parentheses next to the SPR number. For example, SPR #nnnnnnnnnn (LO12345).
The Fix List database on developerWorks contains the description of each fix in this Feature Pack, and indicates which platform(s) have been fixed.
9.0.1 Feature Pack 10 Preliminary Fix List descriptions:
Domino® Server
+YNABANLSUB – Fixed an error 4399 “Value is out of range” when running DeleteUser LotusScript. This was a regression introduced in 9.0.1 FP7
LRHG9T78WW (LO83614) – Fixed an HTTP crash in memory allocation when Sametime calls into Domino
MSKAAPEQ7M (LO92705) – Fixed a server crash during ID vault processing
PKIM9XSUTU (LO89753) – Fixed an issue where an SSL certificate validation does not allow partial chains
CRPOA64RNM (LO87648) – Fix an issue where Domino doclinks no longer convert to a usable format for iOS
JAQOAKRTUM (LO91921) – Fixed a Domino Server crash when processing user certificates in the Domino Directory
+JCARAQSJB6 (LO92949) – Fixed an SMTP issue which can cause malformed headers & prevent Internet mail delivery. This was a regression introduced in 9.0.1 FP9
MKIN9Z6UZ2 (LO90767) – Fixed an issue in the web server when processing graphic records
+PMGYAMDCQX (LO92318) – Fixed a Server crash due to a nullhandle of a note. This was a regression introduced in 9.0.1 FP9
RMAA9ENABR (LO78449) – Fixed a Domino Server crash on the Dircat task
TSUAANL4QT (LO92599) – Fixed the error “Value is out of range” in the NotesAdministrationProcess #DeleteUser
+YNABANLSUB (LO92582) – Fixed the error 4399 “Value Is Out Of Range” When Running Deleteuser Lotusscript. This was a regression introduced in 901FP8.
ASHHABSBHK (LO89599) – Fixed an issue where running Dbmt on an NSF file, intermittently leaves the ORIG file.
IISA9QEEAH (LO82584) – Fixed a Domino Server crash due to deadlock in the unread code
+TPON9N3EYE (LO81657) – Fixed an issue that resulted in a message being sent that dropped the ‘body’ content, resulting in a messaging being sent with only the disclaimer. This would occur with disclaimers enabled and a returnreceipt field set to 0. This was a regression introduced in 9.0.1.
LCAYAC7JU4 (LO89729) – Fixed an issue where delivery failure notifications are going dead in the rather than transferring to O365. Notes.ini parameter POSTMASTER_WITH_BRACKETS=1 needs to be added to enable the fix.
SLAEAGNLBF (LO91113) – Fixed an issue where autoprocessing of update notices took a long time. With this fix, if the buffer used for autoprocessing is maxed out on a server, auto-processing will stop and defer then work to the client. This fix is on by default but can be disabled by setting CSDisableSummaryCacheAutoStop=1
WHAM9KRHHH (LO80695) – Introduced a new dcontroller.ini (ControllerLogLocation) to control the log path for Domino QoS
Notes® Client
+ACVR9HHS55 (LO79672) – Fixed a Notes Client crash when sending mail to groups from recent contacts.This was a regression introduced in 8.5.3 and 9.0
YGAOAFXLAK (LO90918) – Fixed a Notes Client crashes when processing Cross Domain admin requests
ANIAAKYCNY (LO91979) – Fixed the Sametime Awareness icon to display for recipients’ alternate name in a Memo
RUYAAM2QGC (LO92259) – Fixed an issue with meetings in summary view showing under wrong date, for federated calendar entries created in a different timezone
CSAOAKF4XX (LO91821) – Fixed a Notes Client startup performance issue caused by Smart Upgrade initialization in a VMWare VDI
JVEKAPMFWR (LO92748 ) – Fixed an issue where mail with Japanese characters are not shown properly on a PC with Chinese regional settings
+JVEKAQ5JAL (LO92827) – Fixed a roaming user issue that results in an empty “At Location” field when a user roams to another computer. This was a regression introduced in 9.0.1 FP7
+JVEKAQSGCC (LO92948) – Fixed an issue with shared, private on first use folder not working as expected in 9.0.1 FP9. Folder can not be viewed in the Designer. This is a regression introduced in 9.0.1 FP9.
+JVEKARBEP2 (LO93058 ) – Fixed an issue where the contents are not displayed after editing if a Richtext field contains an image and “Store contents as HTML and MIME” is enabled. This is a regression introduced in 9.0.1 FP9.
NDDC9J2LG5: (LO79942) – Fixed an issue where the URL in a forwarded email created using Win8.1 Tablet opens in the embedded browser and not the default OS browser
RREN9P9KWR (LO82098) – Fixed an issue where folders will not be expanded when the database is re-opened
+JVEKAR7J8F (LO93043 ) – Fixed an issue where public email groups do not expand. This is a regression introduced in 9.0.1 FP8
XLXZAFZCP2 (LO90940) – Fixed an issue where mails are displayed as unread in Notes after reading the mails on an IMAP client
+YGAOALLM2D (LO92139) – Fixed an issue where users are unable to send encrypted mail. This is a regression introduced in 9.0.1 FP8.
JVEKAPWDR8 (LO92793 ) – Fixed an issue in iNotes when forwarding an email from Google Chrome a lot of white space is added between the new and the forwarded document
+KRAUANKM6K (LO92572) – Fixed an iNotes issue where users are unable to attach two or more files using the Send Function. This was a regression introduced in 9.0.1 FP7
SDOY9LFER6 (LO81030) – Fix an iNotes issue that fails to open attachment on forwarding or replying message on IE with iNoes ActiveX file attachment utility
“IBM Notes Client 9.0.1 FP10 Japanese User Interface Update” Specific SPR’s
TITH9GEC9K (LO79111) – Fix an issue where a mail meeting invitation does not have the day in the subject
THIO9KW2FH (LO80689) – To Do From Japanese Notes does not contain the correct Japanese date format characters
SKAI9UW3JX – Fix an issue where the ‘IDEXTRAFILENAME’ parameter does not work in the Japanese Notes Client
THIO9L22J3 (LO80781) – Fix an issue where the date formats in the subject of Meeting invitations and Group To Do’s are SBCS instead of DBCS
TSUA8RA5JW – Fixed an issue where the property box of database is truncated in the Japanese Client
CKUAAHB8PN (LO91232) – Fix an issue where it takes long time to open a DJX address list
YNIAAT45QJ (LO93313) – Fix a Notes crash when selecting a department entry in DJX